
Hi, I am Syed Aslam.

I am a full-stack Ruby on Rails developer and upcoming entrepreneur from Bangalore, India.

You can find me on Twitter, on GitHub, on LinkedIn, and on StackOverflow.

I am currently helping build the web version of HashLearn, India's first on-demand tutoring app. Previously at Livestream helped build and grow their product and culture over 2 years.

Before that, I worked at Mapunity, a social-technology company. Starting as one of their first engineering hires in 2008, I helped build both products envisioned by Mapunity and socially relevant client projects.

This blog is my notepad of learnings in the software development, serving not only to know where I currently stand or where I'm headed, but also to know where I've been.

Want to chat? Feel free to email me.

This blog is all static files, generated by Gridsome, with Disqus for comments.
Unless otherwise noted, all the stuff I publish is under the MIT License.